Monday, January 26, 2009

Female Friends

So, I found out that one of my high school friends is living in the same city as me. I figured we could meet back up, and we did. Not as a date, just as two friends meeting up. We got coffee, wandered the streets, read books and even baked a cake. Lots of fun.

Anyway, I got another weekend free and figured we could go do something. She mentioned she wanted to see the new underworld movie and it just released of I asked if she wanted to come see it. But for the last few days she has not even spoken to me.

I don't get it. I'm not even looking for a relationship anymore. I used to, but not now. When I was, we would always end up as friends. Now that I'm not, the people I want as friends stop talking to me. She even has a boyfriend so she's not even available. Should that not make things easier; at least in becoming friends again and avoiding a relationship?

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